Gleason Brook Pottery
Timothy P Smith - potter

I have been selling my work for years through various shops and galleries in Ontario, so if you can't make it out to see me at the studio, try looking for my work at one of these fine spots.
OWEN SOUND ARTISTS' CO-OP: 942 2nd Avenue E, Owen Sound
CARNEGIE GALLERY: 10 King St W, Dundas
CORNERSTONE: 255 Ontario St, Kingston
STYLL: 5 East Mill St, Elora
OXTONGUE CRAFT CABIN 1073 Foxpoint Rd, Dwight
VILLAGE STUDIOS: 24 Downie St, Stratford
CLAY DESIGN: 170 Brunswick Ave, Toronto
CLAY AND GOURMET 19A Main St, Bayfield
MASTERPIECE 7100 Fife Road, Guelph
Recently, I have been making ware for use in several Toronto restaurants. Please go and see my pots in action - enjoy some great food at the same time!
EZRA'S POUND: 238 Dupont St